The primary I-24 MOTION system-level journal article has been published in Transportation Research Part C (preprint available here). The initial dataset described in this article, codename "INCEPTION" v1.0.0, is now available for free download. In order to download the dataset, please request a free account then access the I-24 MOTION "INCEPTION" v1.0.0 dataset. New accounts will gain access after site approval within one business day.
Information and software for the use and interpretation of the data will be made available at the project's Github organization. Data documentation is organized in a repository at https://github.com/I24-MOTION/I24M_documentation; additional system information is provided in the aforementioned article. We encourage data users to help us track data improvements, requests, questions, issues, and oddities at our I-24 MOTION Improvement Tracker repository.
Further data sharing from I-24 MOTION system will include other notable datasets that are specifically named and delineated, as well as routine data production during normal operation of the system. The data products will be constantly enhanced and tracked with version numbers.